Inches To Mm Converter

Calculator Use

To use this converter, just choose a unit lớn convert from, a unit khổng lồ convert to, then type the value you want to convert. The result will be shown immediately.

Bạn đang xem: Inches to mm converter

This converter accepts decimal, integer and fractional values as input, so you can input đầu vào values like: 1, 4, 0.5, 1.9, 1/2, 3 1/2, etc.

Note that khổng lồ enter a mixed number lượt thích 1 1/2, you show leave a space between the integer & the fraction.

The numerical result exactness will be according khổng lồ de number o significant figures that you choose.

When the result shows one or more fractions, you should consider its colors according lớn the table below:

Exact fraction or 0% 1% 2% 5%10%15%

These colors represent the maximum approximation error for each fraction. If the error does not fit your need, you should use the decimal value and possibly increase the number of significant figures.

Please, if you find any issues in this calculator, or if you have any suggestions, please liên hệ us.

Xem thêm: Tư Vấn Kiểu Tóc Nữ Online, ‎Thay Đổi Màu Tóc Và Lam Toc Trên App Store

centimetersfeetincheskilometersmetersmilesmillimetersyardsfathomsfurlongsangstronsmicronsnanometersnautical milespicometersclick ↺ centimeters feet inches kilometers meters miles millimeters yards fathoms furlongs angstrons microns nanometers nautical miles picometers click = Swap unitsShow table
Significant Figures:
Maximum denominator for fractions:

The maximum approximation error for the fractions shown in this tiện ích are according with these colors:

Exact fraction 1% 2% 5%10%15%

One lớn many converters

Examples of Length Conversions

angstrons khổng lồ meters72 centimeters to lớn meters61 inches to lớn centimetersnanometers to lớn inchesfathom lớn feet279 clicks lớn feet347 millimeters to centimetersfeet lớn centimeters168 inches lớn feet154 centimeters khổng lồ feet1000 clicks lớn metersinch lớn metersmeters khổng lồ centimeters389 picometers to lớn centimeters0.234375 inch to lớn clicks140 clicks to lớn miles67000 meters to millimeters1 meter lớn clicksinches lớn meterscentimeters khổng lồ millimeters


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