Obama remembers anthony bourdain by tweeting photo from vietnam meal

U.S. President Baraông chồng Obama shakes hands with staffas he leaves after having a dinner of bun chaat theBún chả Hương Liênrestaurant in Hanoi, Vietphái mạnh May 23, năm nhâm thìn.

Bạn đang xem: Obama remembers anthony bourdain by tweeting photo from vietnam meal

After a long Monday of shaking hands and brokering military weapons sales in Hanoi, President Baraông chồng Obama must have sầu worked up an appetite.

So writer & chef Anthony Bourdain escorted the president to lớn a little diner for some beer & supper.

Low plastic stool, cheap but delicious noodles, cold Hanoi beer. pic.twitter.com/KgC3VIEPQr

— Anthony Bourdain (
Bourdain) May 23, 2016

The other diners at called Bún Chả Hương Liên seem nonplussed by the leader of the miễn phí world eating noodles in their midst. They were there for one reason above sầu all: Bún chả.

The traditional Vietnamese dish consists of grilled pork (chả) served in a broth or dipping sauce, along with rice noodles (bún) and fresh herbs.

“Bún chả is one of the oldest favorites of north Vietphái nam cuisine,” says Michael Chuong, the chef at Elements, an Asian-fusion restaurant in Chapel Hill, North Carolimãng cầu. “They grill pork in two styles,” he says. There"s grilled fatty pork, and a preparation that"s more lượt thích barbecued pulled pork. Chuong says there’s a version of bún chả that’s more popular in southern Vietphái nam called bún thịt nướng, which features less broth.


A traditional Bún chả meal served in Hanoi, Vietphái mạnh usually consists of grilled pork served in a broth or dipping sauce, along with rice noodles và fresh herbs.


Courtesy Bún chả Hương Liên.

Chuong’s been busy preparing bún chả at Elements this week. He says it"s been selling like crazy ever since the photos of Obama & Bourdain hit social truyền thông media.

In Vietphái mạnh, people enjoy bún chả for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It’s a timeless recipe. Chef Chuong says that food has allowed hyên ổn khổng lồ hold onto lớn his culture. He grew up in southern Vietphái mạnh, but was forced to flee at the age of 15 khổng lồ escape the war.

"I really enjoy bring Western và Southeast Asian cultures together,” Chuong says. Vietnam giới already had a tradition of that when he was growing up, especially in the kitchen: "We have this Vietnamese-French fusion style that goes back centuries."

Like Chuong’s fusion cuisine, Obama’s visit lớn Vietphái nam is also aimed at linking cultures. On his first presidential visit to the country this week, Obama announced the lifting of a 50-year embargo on US military arms sales lớn Vietnam. While that will boost the economic & security relationship between the erstwhile enemies, some rights workers fear that the kết thúc of the embargo will enable human rights abuses in Vietnam. The Obama administration denies that. On Tuesday the president met with Vietnamese activists to hear their concerns — và he chastised the government when some activists were barred from attending.

If the president’s tour inspires you to lớn give sầu Vietnamese food a try, Chuong points out that there’s a lot more than bún on the menu. His personal favorites include pungent curried crabs và aromatic braised five-spice pork shank.

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