Help, my partner doesn't want to get married

When in a long-term relationship, sometimes it gets difficult lớn decipher the subtle signs that a significant other is sending. If you think that your partner is entertaining the idea of marriage, look for these signs to lớn clue you in.

Bạn đang xem: Help, my partner doesn't want to get married

1. He is Making Future Plans

Guys don’t bring up things that they really would rather not talk about. But when a man brings up future plans, it is an indication that he would lượt thích khổng lồ know your opinion on them, and your opinion does carry weight with hlặng.

2. You are Invited khổng lồ Every Occasion

You have sầu become his plus one lớn all special events và family holidays. This means that he sees you playing a huge part in the big picture of his life. Hewants lớn introduce you khổng lồ his family và make you feel lượt thích you are a part of it.

3. He is Punctual

If your man is always on time, he is definitely inkhổng lồ you. When a man is in a serious relationship, he will make sure that his woman does not have khổng lồ wait for hyên. He will let you know if he is running late and he won’t ever leave sầu you hanging.

4. There’s an Increase in Touch

It will almost feel likewhen you first started dating. Your man will be way more touchy-feely, touching your arm while you’re cooking or taking the time to lớn massage your neông xã while you’re working.

5. He Misses You

You will feel like nothing can get in the way when your man has made the decision to lớn make time to lớn see you. When he makes a promise about plans, he will follow through, và this is a great sign. On the flip-side, if he is always calling khổng lồ break plans, this means you are not at the forefront of his mind. Someone who does this is not feeling committed at all.

6. He Only Sees You

He will not have sầu a wandering eye that will make you feel jealous or uncomfortable. Your man will be focused on you even in a crowded restaurant.

7. He Wants lớn Live Together

When a man wants lớn share his space voluntarily & not only as a way khổng lồ save sầu money, he’s thinking toward the future. This can also happen if he suggests opening a bank account together or getting a pet. Moving in together is one of the most obvious signs he is ready for marriage.

8. He Opens Up to lớn You

If your man opens up about something that’s upsetting or bothering hyên ổn, this means that he trusts you & your opinion has value khổng lồ hlặng. This is a cấp độ of closeness that is definitely leading down the path to lớn marriage.

9. He Doesn’t Run Away During the Hard Times

There will be challenging points in relationships và they can get more difficult with time. During these times, if your man stays by your side và doesn’t run away, this is a good sign that he will want to be by your side on your wedding day.

10. He Can’t Get Enough of You

This includes staying the night together if you don’t already live sầu together, taking vacations together, & inviting you khổng lồ events like company parties. He wants you next lớn hyên ổn for everything.

11. He Has Said That he Wants to lớn Marry You

Even if he’s joking when he says that he wantsto marry you, it means he is comfortable enough to mention this và wants tosee how you feel about it.

Men aren’t always the greachạy thử at explicitly saying what they mean, & oftentimes when they try it comes out wrong. Whether your guy has or hasn’t verbally expressed his interest in marrying you, keep an eye out for these signs that it’s on his mind.


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You’re standing behind the curtain, just about khổng lồ make your way on stage khổng lồ face the many faces half-shrouded in darkness in front of you. As you move sầu towards the spotlight, your body starts to lớn feel heavier with each step. A familiar thump echoes throughout your body – your heartbeat has gone off the charts.Don’t worry, you’re not the only one with glossophobia(also known as speech anxiety or the fear of speaking lớn large crowds). Sometimes, the anxiety happens long before you even st& on stage.

Your body’s defence mechanism responds by causing a part of your brain to release adrenaline inlớn your blood – the same chemical that gets released as if you were being chased by a lion.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to lớn help you overcome your fear of public speaking:

1. Prepare yourself mentally and physically

According to lớn experts, we’re built to lớn display anxiety và lớn recognize it in others. If your toàn thân and mind are anxious, your audience will notice. Hence, it’s important lớn prepare yourself before the big show so that you arrive sầu on stage confident, collected and ready.

“Your outside world is a reflection of your inside world. What goes on in the inside, shows on the outside.” – Bob Proctor

Exercising lightly before a presentation helps get your blood circulating và sends oxygen to the brain. Mental exercises, on the other hand, can help calm the mind and nerves. Here are some useful ways lớn calm your racing heart when you start to feel the butterflies in your stomach:

Warming up

If you’re nervous, chances are your body will feel the same way. Your body toàn thân gets tense, your muscles feel tight or you’re breaking in cold sweat. The audience will notice you are nervous.

If you observe sầu that this is exactly what is happening khổng lồ you minutes before a speech, vị a couple of stretches lớn loosen and relax your toàn thân. It’s better lớn warm up before every speech as it helps lớn increase the functional potential of the body as a whole. Not only that, it increases muscle efficiency, improves reaction time and your movements.

Here are some exercises to loosen up your body before show time:

Neông xã and shoulder rolls –This helps relieve sầu upper body muscle tension & pressure as the rolls focus on rotating the head và shoulders, loosening the muscle. Stress and anxiety can make us rigid within this area which can make you feel agitated, especially when standing.Arm stretches– We often use this part of our muscles during a speech or presentation through our h& gestures và movements. Stretching these muscles can reduce arm fatigue, loosen you up & improve your body language range.Waist twists– Place your hands on your hips and rotate your waist in a circular motion. This exercise focuses on loosening the abdominal và lower back regions which is essential as it can cause discomfort and pain, further amplifying any anxieties you may experience.

Stay hydrated

Ever felt parched seconds before speaking? And then coming up on stage sounding raspy và scratchy in front of the audience? This happens because the adrenaline from stage fright causes your mouth to lớn feel dried out.

To prevent all that, it’s essential we stay adequately hydrated before a speech. A sip of water will vày the triông xã. However, bởi drink in moderation so that you won’t need to go khổng lồ the bathroom constantly.

Try khổng lồ avoid sugary beverages & caffeine, since it’s a diuretic – meaning you’ll feel thirstier. It will also amplify your anxiety which prevents you from speaking smoothly.


Meditation is well-known as a powerful tool to calm the mind. ABC’s Dan Harris, co-anchor of Nightline and Good Morning America weekkết thúc & author of the book titled10% Happier, recommends that meditation can help individuals khổng lồ feel significantly calmer, faster.

Meditation is lượt thích a workout for your mind. It gives you the strength and focus lớn filter out the negativity and distractions with words of encouragement, confidence and strength.

Mindfulness meditation, in particular, is a popular method lớn calm yourself before going up on the big stage. The practice involves sitting comfortably, focusing on your breathing & then bringing your mind’s attention to lớn the present without drifting into lớn concerns about the past or future – which likely includes floundering on stage.

Here’s a nice example of guided meditation before public speaking:

Decide on the progress you’d lượt thích your audience khổng lồ make after your presentation. Notice their movements và expressions khổng lồ adapt your speech lớn ensure that they are having a good time to leave the room as better people.

If your own focus isn’t beneficial & what it should be when you’re speaking, then shift it lớn what does. This is also key khổng lồ establishing trust during your presentation as the audience can clearly see that you have sầu their interests at heart.<1>

3. Convert negativity to lớn positivity

There are two sides constantly battling inside of us – one is filled with strength và courage while the other is doubt và insecurities. Which one will you feed?

‘What if I mess up this speech? What if I’m not funny enough? What if I forget what lớn say?’

It’s no wonder why many of us are uncomfortable giving a presentation. All we vày is bring ourselves down before we got a chance to prove sầu ourselves. This is also known as a self-fulfilling prophecy – a belief that comes true because we are acting as if it already is. If you think you’re incompetent, then it will eventually become true.

Motivational coaches tout that positive sầu mantras and affirmations tkết thúc to lớn boost your confidents for the moments that matter most. Say lớn yourself: “I’ll ace this speech và I can vì chưng it!”

Take advantage of your adrenaline rush khổng lồ encourage positive outcome rather than thinking of the negative sầu ‘what ifs’.

Here’s a video clip of Psychologist Kelly McGonigal who encourages her audience to turn stress into lớn something positive sầu as well as provide methods on how lớn cope with it:

4. Underst& your content

Knowing your content at your fingertips helps reduce your anxiety because there is one less thing to worry about. One way to get there is to lớn practice numerous times before your actual speech.

However, memorizing your script word-for-word is not encouraged. You can end up freezing should you forget something. You’ll also risk sounding unnatural và less approachable.

“No amount of reading or memorizing will make you successful in life. It is the understanding & the application of wise thought that counts.” – Bob Proctor

Many people unconsciously make the mistake of reading from their slides or memorizing their script word-for-word without understanding their nội dung – a definite way khổng lồ bao tay themselves out.

Understanding your speech flow and nội dung makes it easier for you khổng lồ convert ideas & concepts inkhổng lồ your own words which you can then clearly explain to lớn others in a conversational manner. Designing your slides to lớn include text prompts is also an easy hachồng to ensure you get to lớn quickly reĐiện thoại tư vấn your flow when your mind goes blank.<2>

One way to lớn understand is to lớn memorize the over-arching concepts or ideas in your pitch. It helps you speak more naturally and let your personality shine through. It’s almost like taking your audience on a journey with a few key milestones.

5. Practice makes perfect

Like most people, many of us are not naturally attuned lớn public speaking. Rarely vị individuals walk up to lớn a large audience and present flawlessly without any retìm kiếm and preparation.

In fact, some of the top presenters make it look easy during showtime because they have spent countless hours behind-the-scenes in deep practice. Even great speakers lượt thích the late John F. Kennedy would spkết thúc months preparing his speech beforeh&.

Public speaking, like any other skill, requires practice – whether it be practicing your speech countless of times in front of a mirror or making notes. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect!

6. Be authentic

There’s nothing wrong with feeling stressed before going up to speak in front of an audience.

Many people fear public speaking because they fear others will judge them for showing their true, vulnerable self. However, vulnerability can sometimes help you come across as more authentic and relatable as a speaker.

Drop the pretence of trying to act or speak lượt thích someone else & you’ll find that it’s worth the risk. You become more genuine, flexible và spontaneous, which makes it easier lớn handle unpredictable situations – whether it’s getting tough questions from the crowd or experiencing an unexpected technical difficulty.

To find out your authentic style of speaking is easy. Just pichồng a topic or issue you are passionate about & discuss this like you normally would with a cthất bại family or frikết thúc. It is like having a conversation with someone in a personal one-to-one setting. A great way to vày this on stage is khổng lồ select a random audience member(with a hopefully calming face) & speak to lớn a single person at a time during your speech. You’ll find that it’s easier trying to connect khổng lồ one person at a time than a whole room.

With that said, being comfortable enough khổng lồ be yourself in front of others may take a little time và some experience, depending how comfortable you are with being yourself in front of others. But once you embrace it, stage fright will not be as intimidating as you initially thought.

Presenters like Barack Obama are a prime example of a genuine and passionate speaker:

7. Post speech evaluation

Last but not the least, if you’ve done public speaking and have sầu been scarred from a bad experience, try seeing it as a lesson learned to improve sầu yourself as a speaker.

Don’t beat yourself up after a presentation

We are the hardest on ourselves & it’s good khổng lồ be. But when you finish delivering your speech or presentation, give yourself some recognition & a pat on the baông chồng.

You managed lớn finish whatever you had lớn bởi and did not give up. You did not let your fears và insecurities get lớn you. Take a little more pride in your work and believe sầu in yourself.

Improve sầu your next speech

As mentioned before, practice does make perfect. If you want lớn improve sầu your public speaking skills, try asking someone to film you during a speech or presentation. Afterwards, watch and observe what you can vị lớn improve sầu yourself next time.

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Here are some questions you can ask yourself after every speech:

How did I do?Are there any areas for improvement?Did I sound or look stressed?Did I stumble on my words? Why?Was I saying “um” too often?How was the flow of the speech?

Write everything you observed down and keep practicing và improving. In time, you’ll be able lớn better manage your fears of public speaking và appear more confident when it counts.

If you want even more tips about public speaking or delivering a great presentation, kiểm tra out these articles too: